THIS IS A BLEM PRODUCT. It works 100%, but does not look 100%. My printers failure, is your gain!
You got that awesome new AtGames Legends/Pro/Mini, but there are some games that require a 4 way gate. Well, here it is! No mods necessary, simply pop this under the dust cover and secure into place and you have a heavy duty restrictor for your 4 way games!!! DESIGNED and BUILT IN USA!!!
2 way restrictor NOW INCLUDED!!
-1 standard 4 way restrictor for PACMAN style games like Burgertime, Twin Brats....
-1 diagonal (Oblique) 4 way restrictor for games like Congo Bongo, Qbert...
-1 Horizontal 2 way restrictor for Mario Bros, Galaga, etc.
Due to the vast tolerance differences found between cab to cab within the Legends family, we can only build this product to match the tolerances of a perfectly built cab. If your joystick is not centered, you might get results that are not perfect. We apologize for this and will be happy to help you find out if your joystick is centered properly before ordering. Also because this issue is beyond our control, this product only comes with a 30 day guarantee against manufacturing defects… not on the ability for it to restrict joystick movement. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR JOYSTICK IS CENTERED BEFORE ORDERING! THANKS!!!
Please only order using FIRST CLASS SHIPPING. I am always overcharged for Priority for this product for some reason, so I will only ship FIRST CLASS. THANKS FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING!
Just wanted to thank you for the Sheldon Shelf and other products. The Sheldon Shelf has made my lightgun games so much more enjoyable. I have already recommended it to several others.Thanks again for the great support and products. You rock!
Got the shim kit and followed the online instructions. Very detailed and very good. I was able to install the shim kit on the trackball and it turned out perfect. Trackball Even feels better when playing Golden Tee. Good stuff!!!
I was a bit intimidated when I started the install on the shims, but it was incredibly easy and they brought my broken trackball back to life. Highly recommended! Thank you.
As amazing as the iircade is..... having an 8 way is a must for arcade machines... however some games just play better the way they were ment to be played.... and Uplay has it right!!! The iiRestrictor is a must for your 4 way games.... I can tell you first hand... I’ve raged and lost my mind playing the awesome games of Congo Bongo and Burger Time... but with this device I’ve been able to land high scores and keep my sanity at the same time. High Quality material, great feel... fits in place with no modification necessary!!! Keep your warranty valid with this game changer.
Uplay Arcade strives to provide our customers the best service possible while giving you the best prices available! With the cheapest shipping possible, tested and pro-rated priced products, and our 100% guarantee, Uplay Arcade will ensure your Arcade1UP and AtGames OEM products and upgrades will keep you and your family playing! Contact us at our email below to submit products to sell or trade to us! We will get back with you soon!
*Arcade1UP™, AtGames™ and iiRcade™ have not endorsed these products, or have any affiliation whatsoever with www.uplayarcade.com. As is the case with any unauthorized modification, installing items internally will void your manufacturers warranty and any risk in doing so will be solely yours!